
Andrea Lenore Light

I'm a lightworker & a Reiki Master in Honolulu. I have a tremendous pull towards helping people clear out negativity & raise their vibrations. I've experienced spontaneous kundalini awakening where I felt energetic bursts of light travel up my spine & through my chakras. I've also been touched by archangels Michael, Raphael & Jophiel, who I saw in meditation as tall beings of gaseous light & energy.  I am a sensitive. I am clairvoyant & clairaudient & continue to develop these abilities & incorporate them into my reiki practice.  I've had my spirit guides set of my fire alarm twice, at times I was having serious doubts of their existence. I've had many, many magical confirmations of my abilities to communicate with the other side. I share these experiences because they are all energetic experiences.  One by one we can raise our vibrations, to help raise the vibrations of the collective.
